Sleep Apnea services offered in Oklahoma City, OK
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects breathing while you sleep. Richard D. Orgill, MD, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist who provides comprehensive care for sleep apnea in children and adults. If you’re having a hard time sleeping because of breathing problems, call the nearest office or schedule an appointment online today.
Sleep apnea is a condition in which you stop and restart breathing several times during the night while you sleep. Many people who have sleep apnea have a hard time sleeping because of their breathing problems.
There are two main types of sleep apnea:
OSA is the more common type of sleep apnea. With this type, the upper airway gets blocked, affecting the flow of air into your lungs. Large tonsils, obesity, and changes in hormone levels may cause the airway to narrow, leading to the obstruction.
Central sleep apnea occurs when your brain fails to send the signals that control the airway and chest muscles necessary for breathing.
Though OSA is more common than central sleep apnea, you can have both types, which is called mixed sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea symptoms vary, and you may not know you have the sleep disorder until your sleeping partner notices you stop and restart breathing while you sleep. Snoring, however, is one of the most common symptoms.
Other signs and symptoms of sleep apnea include:
Sleep apnea affects all ages, including children. If your child snores loudly and complains of feeling tired during the day, they may have sleep apnea.
You can expect a thorough evaluation when you visit Dr. Orgill for sleep apnea symptoms. He conducts a comprehensive physical exam, paying close attention to your weight, blood pressure, and any airway constriction in the nose, throat, and lungs.
He also refers you to a sleep lab for a sleep apnea study and evaluation to confirm a diagnosis.
Dr. Orgill customizes your sleep apnea treatment plan based on the type and severity of symptoms. For mild sleep apnea, he may recommend you change sleeping positions (lying on your side instead of your back) to improve breathing. Nasal decongestants and inhaled steroid preparations or oral mouth devices may also help.
For moderate to severe sleep apnea, Dr. Orgill may recommend surgical treatment, or for those intolerant to CPAP devices, the Inspire implant. This small implantable device stimulates your tongue muscles during sleep to reduce upper airway obstruction.
To learn more about sleep apnea, call the office of Richard D. Orgill, MD, or schedule an appointment online today.