Deviated Septum
ENT Specialist & Otolaryngologist located in Oklahoma City, OK.

Deviated Septum services offered in Oklahoma City, OK

A deviated septum means the passageway in your nose is off-center, which can affect how well you breathe and your appearance. Richard D. Orgill, MD, with two offices in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, understands the many problems that develop from a deviated septum and provides expert medical and surgical care to improve breathing and the look of your nose. Call the nearest office or request an appointment online today to learn more about your deviated septum treatment options.

Deviated Septum Q&A

What is a deviated septum?


A deviated septum is a common problem that involves the cartilage and bone — the septum — that separates the nostrils in your nose. With a deviated septum, the bone and cartilage are off-center, making one nostril larger than the other. 


Some people are born with a deviated septum, while others may develop the problem following an injury to the nose — nasal fracture or broken nose. Though the severity of the deviation varies, for some, the septum is so off-center it affects breathing through the nose.


Dr. Orgill is a skilled ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist who provides medical and surgical treatment options for a deviated septum.


What are some of the complications of a deviated septum?


The change in the structure of your nose may cause complications. In addition to difficulty breathing, people with a deviated septum may snore and struggle with sleep issues like sleep apnea. A deviated septum may also increase your risk of developing sinusitis and nosebleeds and cause problems like facial pain.


The crookedness of the nasal septum may also affect the symmetry of your nose and your appearance. 


What happens during a deviated septum evaluation?


Dr. Orgill takes a patient-centered approach to care, conducting thorough evaluations when you come in with concerns about a deviated septum. He reviews your symptoms and the cause of your condition. 


Dr. Orgill evaluates your nose, as well as your ears and throat, and may request imaging of your nose, such as a CT scan, to assess the severity of the deviation. 


What are the treatments for a deviated septum?


Treatment for a deviated septum depends on your symptoms. If your deviated septum causes no problems, you may not need any treatment. However, Dr. Orgill may monitor your condition and treat any related conditions like sinusitis and sleep apnea.


If your deviated septum affects your breathing, Dr. Orgill performs septoplasty, which is a surgical procedure that straightens out the septum. The outpatient procedure can open up the nasal passage, improving breathing and your appearance.


To learn more about treatment options for a deviated septum, call the office of Richard D. Orgill, MD, or request an appointment online today.

ENT Specialist & Otolaryngologist located in Oklahoma City, OK.

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